9:57 PM | 0 comments

this god-sent video's about the making of an adidas advertisement - impossible field. its FCUKING AWESOMMMMEEEE (at this point of time, sadly, im not sorry for using vulgarity, cos i have to let that out and its necessary, thankew very much:DD), mainly cos kaka was in it and spoke to the camera with ALL SMILESSSS.
i can SWEAR to you i hyperventilated like i've never hyperventilate before when i saw this! KAKA was featured in the 1.58th minute. omg his voice wasnt as deep as expected. AND he swung on some metal thaang and looked irresistablllllleee. oops forgot to mention ballack was there too and he spoke to the cam ;DD

CNY celebrations! 2G3 '07 is the king of the universe, the jungle and the seas!!! haha! 2g3 screamed like there was no tmorrow when the results for the deco was announced. heart racing, clenched fists, gritted teeth, breaths held, minds screaming G333333333 and BOOM! 2G3 won! haha, andandand OHH!! JOYCE! was in the BIGG screen, and the video of some disney thingum was shown! is this cool or WHAT! AJ and christina got a taste of some 15 seconds of fame ayyyye! did i mention how cool+scary it is when you're up in the gallery not sitting properly and screaming at the top of your lungs, and suddenly the whole floor of the hall, which was all black from the hair of the students from the back view, looks up and stares at you. fuh-reakkky. there were many dance performances, and after the what?5th? it was all the same, purty flowy dresses, spinning and spinning until wanie complains that SHE'S getting dizzy, shoulders shaking WEIRDLY and more repeated crap.

on a lighter note, after all that, movie was awwwesomme. old ghost rider was UGLEH, and the woman was obviously flaunting her assets in all possible scenes. that show gave me the CUH-REEPS halfway through, and i screamed and screamed. haha that was fun, and i officially find this show for men. especially the bikes part. i loved it though, and i owe filzah 9.90. my pocket feels like the ghost rider as it was first burning.

9:13 PM | 0 comments

WHOOOO! omgomg HAHA how long havent i updated?! seems as if ive forgotten about this whole blog! i realise that since i update so little, my posts are more of a recollection of what has happened in what? the past month? rather than an every day diary. haha, just proves how i cant keep a diary(which is collecting dust in the drawer btw).

and anw, big things happening in school #1, CLASS DECO! omg we HAVE to win this year. well at the very least top 3 la. we spent so much time and effort for it! and i think im seing flying pigs everywhere i go. square ones in particular. yepp, you know what i mean. my apologies to whoever's hands i have crushed while standing on the table. paranoia's pretty hard to avoid when you're on a table with a fan ready to hack your (retarded) head off. and SPIES! get them AWAY! god someone give me insecticides! i mean, what else would they be doing in a fourth level besides that TELL ME. there's nothing to attract them to the fourth level more than *GASP!* ripping our ideas off!
and #2! Olevel resultsssssssss! hahaha was like anticipating for this day. blahh, turned out pretty sucky actually, since i got to see a BIT a BIT only. and WHOA we were totally screaming and all upon knowing that the 2 top olevel students in singapore was frm crescent. this means, we're gonna have a half day! again! what's making me wonder is why crescent wasnt in the news. and of course, there's definitely a downside to all these,as always. we HAVE to keep up with this. this year's sec4s are expected to do better, which totally pressurizes everybody. tut tut tut. imagine that. the number of girls who scored 6 A1s nearlydoubles from last year.

(oh and guess who i saw in the bus today. clue:it makes christina holler and her heart and head would ache thinking about what an ass she is. also, she has a dixckkk as a brother HAHAHA)